Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Take 2

Okay so let me start right away by saying, no I was not gone, and did not give up on the blog or get too busy with life yadda yadda yadda. I made a point to stop writing during the last leg of the election. My reason being, it was all that everyone around me was talking about, therefore it would have been all that I wrote about, and while I did have a many things to say, I felt that in the mix of everyone talking about the election on the TV, in the paper, online, radio, my voice would have just blended into the river of overkill. 

So now that Barack Obama has won the highest seat in the land.....I'm Back.

1 comment:

E. "Bluntastic" Pizzler, the Fourth said...

And we are ALL so excited to have you back! :)