Sunday, November 28, 2010


gimme something to write about. I've totally neglected my blog game and writing in general. In turn I find myself s lot more lazy these days, but no this isn't some call out for attention. I'm actually saying I just been lazy.

Hmmmm let's see no silly stories or points of views. But hark! they loom, hark they loom.

For those I haven't spoken to in a while or anyone else with English reading capabilities, I am doing great. recently learned to fly, not a plane, but me, I can actually fly now, I was growing rather wearisome of walking around all the time.

I'm watching a movie and need to get back to it, but I'll be back bringing back the posts again starting this week, there's a lot that needs discussing. So, tell a friend, I'm trying to get to 100 page hits a day so please ask questions, suggest topics and I'll see what I can do in regards to babble

Me Out

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