Saturday, February 21, 2009

this might take a few posts 1.1

alas, yes, I have been gone for a little bit. For the record I said that first sentence in a medieval voice as I typed it for added flair, so please, humor me and go back and read it with said accent. New job's had me real busy but I'm back on solid ground again and have time in my brain to babble.

New job hmm lets see I work as an Assistant Director of a Rec Center, it's pretty good work, I'm an official employee of the county I have a .gov email address for whatever that's worth. All that means to me is, PERSONAL COMPUTER does not mean the same PERSONAL COMPUTER that you have at your house. Note to those of you whom may be reading this at work, ask yourself, can this be traced? if so I suggest you at least learn how to manipulate your history as best you can. Yeah, work is going well, I over see a staff in day to day operations of said Rec Center. While that job in and of itself has its own elaborate events worthy of its own daily blog. I AM ALMOST JUMPING UP AND DOWN TO TALK ABOUT THE JOB. However I feel it in my best interest to not speak candidly about my current employer while said employer is .gov and the current job market is in its current state. Now lets get down to foolery...

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