Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ethiopian Cab Drivers?

So yesterday I decided to get out and explore the lay of the land a little. Been in the apartment a lot and just wanted to get out and check things out. I figured I should go to the most ethnic spot I could find near by just post up and read and take in my surroundings, so off to Starbucks I went.

I guess I should point out that I never go to Starbucks and not because of some deep rooted "I hate corporate America" mumbo jumbo, no I never go to Starbucks simply because I do not drink coffee. Although if there was a survey I would have to admit to a deep dislike of corporate America, anyway. 

So off I trek to Starbucks, by the way, have you any idea how difficult it is to order something from there if you aren't a coffee drinker. Note to self, look for new place to watch people. Anyway I settled on a protein drink, with the consistency of clay (which was gross) and some brownie muffin with a fancy name, that, was pretty good. Posted up in the corner and just read a little, but mostly did my best to look like not so creepy, new to the area guy watching people in a public place... like a creepy guy. From my not creepy observations I noticed a ton, just a straight up ton of men all deep in some sort of exciting conversation, they laughed the spoke eloquently, they debated, all in all it was a good time for them. However all in all it was in some other language, and I had no idea what ethnicity they were. Honestly, I was baffled. They looked black like me, but not 100% but they didn't look Indian either, I really was lost, and had no idea what they were speaking. I quickly ruled out the possibility that it was English, well, cause I speak that, and ruled out Gibberish, as I am a keen speaker of such, which I've never taken a class for but my Grandmother often has told me. "Boy you're speaking nothing but Gibberish again" although I don't know what it sounds like, I would assume I would recognize it, seeing as I speak it and all.

The fun and merriment continued for a little over an hour, me never actually understanding them, but also never blowing my cover as a semi creepy guy watching people. I was wrapping up and noticed that all the men (15-25 coming and going) wore business shirts and slacks and khakis, but a lot of them wore flip flops, sandals or tennis shoes. Which was confusing the life out of me. Were they all business men... who wore open toed shoes? or just really over dressed sanitation employees... who again, wore open toed shoes. I pretty much was getting a little baffled, ad my creepy guy level was probably increasing as I drank my play doh energy drink and was down right squinting at these men to figure something out about them. With that being all the Starbuck fun I could take for one night I wrapped it up and headed home. (where The Lady and I had our first spat, which is all cleared up now thank you, I'll discuss later, read: sometime next week when I can put an objective level of hindsight humor into it but anyway back to the original post, cause this is a really long parenthesis)

I pretty much had decided to go again tonight with The Lady, to see the flock of kinda black like me, open toed, dressed up, non english speaking guys to see if her detective skills could be of assistance. Until, I got to the office and was just recapping my adventure to my co-workers when one of them said in a matter of fact way. "You know that Starbucks right by where you live is apparently a large gathering spot for Ethiopian Cab Drivers". 

You don't say.

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