So yesterday (scroll down to find the post) I was looking for a barbershop here in the big city. If you remember I was a bit skeptical after an Asian woman told me the shop she worked in could cut my lamb like hair. Wanna hear how that went? Of course you do, you're bored at work you'd pretty much read anything at this point.
I get home and in my excitement practically fly out the door to get to this shop. Well that and there were fire trucks outside my apartment and a fire alarm going off, yes that may have had something to do with me "flying". Oh I can't mention the fire alarm thing without pointing out The Lady's response to possible impending flames. Me; "babe is that a fire alarm" "nah, I'm gonna take a nap" five minutes later when I come back to wake her: "babe get up there are fire trucks out front that was the fire drill" "blah do I have to go downstairs?". At the time I didn't even seem like a big deal but in hindsight let me get this straight babe. Here we are 160 feet off the ground with possible flames beneath us however that nap is that powerful that you may forgo all that. I LOVE HER, but see now I'm off course, and I'm pretty sure you have a report due soon so let's get back to this haircut adventure.
I search for the shop and have to call again for directions. Again, same Asian lady answers, and the phone is breaking up so in a sense the conversation sounded like this.
her: you--turnatlight--jump up down--kill someone-ova here--alphabet soup-germany.
yeah, no idea what was happening, but eventually she got me there. I walked in pretty eager to see what random dude was gonna cut my hair. It should be noted that in the African American community, once you select a certain barber in a shop you and he are basically wed. You will go to him, he will cut your hair, end of discussion. Regardless of how skilled you may find another barber to actually be, you stick with what you have chosen, it's kind of a tough deal, and a stab in the dark. True story, my last barber shop I walked in and went to the first open chair, only to find out he was deaf and had a glass eye. I am being so so serious. While every other barber there was basically a rembrandt with the clippers, I was there with the man who NEVER had a line. I think I was his only customer, so you can understand how important this selection was.
I had decided I was going to pick the coolest looking brother, hopefully he would have some sort of plaque that said "best barber up in here". However none of the brothers had such a sign, then I realized... there were no brothers...then I realized there were no men...then I realized there were only two barbers, both women, and both Asian.
Now is a good time to fill you in that my father is a barber, so I know much about the industry and vow to at all times keep a sharp cut. However I have only had my haircut my whole life by men, more namely negro men (even in months that aren't February). So to see neither of which about to happen to my napped up head I was pretty much thinking. Great I'm gonna look like I'm wearing a crown King of the Castle up in here.
Joon was her name, and right off the top she says "okay point to the picture you want" yep , it's gonna be a crown. I pick a picture of a latino boy as he is the darkest face on the board to which she stunningly responds "okay, you want a 1 all the way around, round in the back with pointed sideburns, ok" to which I practically passed out. She then proceeded to give me a thorough haircut complete with a straight razor for my shape up. A superb goatee trim and all sorts of other nice smelling concoctions that left me delighted.
Joon and her counterpart, whom did not speak, perhaps she too is a deaf with a glass eye. Both would say the following phrase to the customers leaving "Good bye have a fun". The first time Joon said it, I was in a baffled state of "is this lady really giving me such an amazing haircut" to which I just shrugged off the possibility that she just said "have a fun". We kicked it for the rest of the cut, she told me to tell her friends, and by the end of it all, I was in love with my new barber Joon.
Joon is my girl, Joon is my barber. I am now the proud owner of of a fresh shape up and cut. If you can "own" a haircut. Yes Joon, I indeed had a fun.
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