It is often noted, that it is rude to talk about either politics or religion in mixed company. The older I get the more foolish this rule appears to me. The religion I still understand as there are a lot of loons out there who will pray to a can of spray paint if given the opportunity, and I'm not trying to convert. As for politics, how can you not. For something that so directly affects all the citizens of a given nation how is it "rude" to discuss, how is it rude to discuss how my thoughts could affect what you pay for rent, for tax, for child care, for health care, and vice versa. How is it rude to discuss how my personal thoughts or yours could so adversely affect the other one's life...and with that being said here I stand to make a few points.
I am a 25 year old male, in a long term committed relationship who will be 26 next week. The new President will take me into being 30, if re elected, right into my mid 30's. A period of life in which most Americans get married, have children, get real jobs, purchase new vehicles, purchase their first homes, collectively an age in which a generation makes the jump from young adults, to adults. Makes the jump from learning about growing up to being grown up. Which,with that being said would make this the most important election of my young adult life.
Here we stand at the precipice of one of the largest decisions to be made by our generation, and we stand here waffling. We stand here, some how, again, confused, again not quite sure, and again torn between two candidates.
I am amazed yet again at how great a job the Republicans have done. I tip my hat to them whole heartedly and in no cynical way what so ever to state that they have again proven to be far better politicians than the opposing Democrats. I have long since held the opinion that while Democrats have better politics, it is the Republicans who have far better politicians. Remember way back in 2004 when they such a huge debate over the war, and gay marriage. Remember the hysteria over gay marriage? The better question is, how does gay marriage affect YOUR daily life, does it make your taxes higher, your kids any less intelligent, you car any less efficient? Even as I type this I am still holding back and getting away from what I really want to say as to not be rude, well sorry, consider me rude.
This is how I truly feel, and if you disagree, I respect that.
A vote for John McCain is a bad move, period. This is the same man who ran against Bush twice, and could not beat him either time, for the Republican nomination, not in 2000 or 2004. So basically, he wasn't good enough to beat Bush, but yet he his somehow now equipped to replace him? The current President has the lowest approval rating of all time, yet it was half the nation that collectively elected him on two occasions. As bad as a President he may be, he was still elected by the people, two times. No matter how "bad" a job he is doing, mind you, McCain was still viewed as a less viable option on two separate occasions than he is for the job at hand.
We stand here, on the cusp of a technological revolution. A day in age where cell phones, text messaging, instant messaging, social networking, viral videos and a slew of ever changing technologies are about to take us into the Jetsons era. What does it then benefit us to promote a man stuck confidently with a foot in the past, where wars last forever, and we still milk the land for the Flinstone's oil. The same man who for over a decade refused to give Martin Luther King Jr his own day. That has nothing to do with race, and more with respect. The man won a Nobel Peace Prize, a little American respect is in order.
His opponent is 25 years his junior, has children aged 7 and 10. He knows, and will know the real world in which so many of us actually live. He is more indicative of the American lifestyle, a man of mixed background from a single family home who has climbed to a place of stature and has no qualms with telling it how it is and shooting straight.
We are not to be bettered by continuing in the same direction. We are not to progress ourselves by supporting a way that has gotten us here. We can not and will not get any further doing exactly what we have done. While so much is made about experience, I offer this. You can't understand what it is like to be a parent, till you have a kid, you can't understand what it's like to be pregnant till you are. You can't understand or comprehend a lot of American activities until you are thrown in a position to do it. John McCain has been on Capitol Hill for 26 years, thrice vying for this coveted position, each time, his own people shot him down.
His opponent, please if you would listen is offering us an awesome opportunity, an awesome chance to do something new, something we could hang our heads high about. If you have ever travelled out of the country then you would know that a majority of the world hates us for your bully strong arm tactics. Please please use your brain, and don't vote McCain.
1 comment:
I love the last line....you could have totally been a speech writer...as you know I agree with EVERYTHING you said per our conversation earlier...Great Job Jamaal :)
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